Students in grades 1st-12th can now register for spring classes at CCT. All registration will be done online. There are two casts for this production. You can choose either the Tuesday or Thursday class time. Class will be held between 5:00-8:00 (specific times will vary weekly within this time frame). All cast members will not always attend for the entire class period. A rehearsal schedule will be distributed each week via Facebook after the show is cast. Spots for this show are limited. Once the spots for each age group have been filled, unfortunately we will not be able to take any more students for this semester. Classes begin January 21st/23rd.
Students who are interested in being cast in a speaking or singing role should prepare one minute from a musical theatre style song for auditions. Auditions will be held the week of January 28th. Auditions are not mandatory but strongly suggested for all students.
Performances will be held the week of June 2nd-8th, 2025.
Production fee is $330 and is due at the time of registration. This fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. Fee schedule can be found in class details by clicking the registration link above.
In addition to the production fee and tuition, each cast member will be required to sell $250 in ads for the show program.